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Well hello! Have you been looking for a number of informative and ,of course, entertaining personal vegan/juicing journeys others have embarked on...just like the one your thinking about undertaking? Your web's history is filled with every question, research, testomionals, recipes all in regards to juicing and/or veganism right? Yea, I did just that. Scouring the internet and YouTube with information and success stories on how they cured their illness. It didn't matter the ailment; whether it was cancer, asthma, acne, psoriasis, etc. However, my laser focus was eczema! Enough was enough for me! So be enlightened, entertained, and hopefully inspired on my day by day quest to heal myself once and for all and finally be free of this confident stealing ailment!


“New Year, New Me”

Updated: Jan 3, 2019

“New year, new me”- the famous slogan used by the millions of people nationwide is now rolling freely off my tongue. It’s something about the feeling of a brand new start...almost like someone is giving you a second chance to finally do things right, no matter how many years blur by. Filled with enthusiasm and inspiration, I’m determined more than ever to get rid of this disease.

Even though I just learned to cope with it, I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Desperation ensues when your posing awkwardly in pictures just to camflouge the scarred and inflamed parts of your skin so it doesn’t stand out. Ultimately you end up standing out anyway because your pose just turns out looking unnatural and just flat out crazy! Lol Also, it doesn’t help when some people who is ignorant on the topic of eczema just assume your contagious and they try to avoid shaking hands or touching you at all costs. It’s sad, but it happens.

So, let’s get to the nitty gritty! Im letting my guard down for all to view. As you can see in the pictures, my eczema is primarily on my hands and arms. My hands is what gives me the most trouble. The flaking and the itching occurs here the most. The best thing about this journey is that I’m going to be shedding fat as well! Yaaaasssss!! Give me my crop top and bikini bawdy... I’m ready! Lol

My starting weight is.................

DRUMROLL PLEASE....*drumroll*

260 POUNDS! Yep...I got some work to do. Being so tall, at a height of 6’1”, it doesn’t look bad at all even though you can tell I got some weight to lose. Even though that’s a benefit, that’s not my main focus. im getting rid of this eczema for good. I already got my meals planned out so stay tune y’all! Sorry eczema, u stayed here long enough. Your presence is no longer welcomed! Dueces bih!!!!

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