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Well hello! Have you been looking for a number of informative and ,of course, entertaining personal vegan/juicing journeys others have embarked on...just like the one your thinking about undertaking? Your web's history is filled with every question, research, testomionals, recipes all in regards to juicing and/or veganism right? Yea, I did just that. Scouring the internet and YouTube with information and success stories on how they cured their illness. It didn't matter the ailment; whether it was cancer, asthma, acne, psoriasis, etc. However, my laser focus was eczema! Enough was enough for me! So be enlightened, entertained, and hopefully inspired on my day by day quest to heal myself once and for all and finally be free of this confident stealing ailment!


Day 8: Change starts in the mind

Stress, stress, stress....

“how is this even possible??? It’s my day off” I thought to myself in confusion. My focus wasn’t targeted on my eating and skin issues, my focus was targeted toward money situations and the lack thereof. Running out of supplies for juicing, I sit on the edge of my bed hunched over in sadness. This goal to rid myself of eczema and to get healthy is extremely important to me, however for the last 2 years since I realized this the lifestyle that I want to follow, I came up short. I subconsciously gave myself these excuses, whether it’s “oh, it’s just one meal, I’ve been doing so good” or “I don’t have any money, I’ll start again when I get the money.” However, those excuses just leads back to what caused my eczema in the first place. Even though my consistency has gotten better, I still was not where I wanted to be health wise.

As I was slumped over in depression, I still mustered the energy to refuse the temptations. I still had enough to get me through the next couple days. I couldn’t reminisce on what I didn’t have in the next couple of days, the only thing I could focus on was that day, so I did. The majority of us gets so wrapped up in what we don’t have, it detours our energy into a negative mind state, eventually manifesting all the wrong outcomes. I was not only battling the eczema, I was battling my mind. Exercising the mind is the most important thing we can focus do on this journey. When you can get to a place of telling your body “no” and repeatingly telling yourself “i am worthy of the best things in life”, only then will change come.

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