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Well hello! Have you been looking for a number of informative and ,of course, entertaining personal vegan/juicing journeys others have embarked on...just like the one your thinking about undertaking? Your web's history is filled with every question, research, testomionals, recipes all in regards to juicing and/or veganism right? Yea, I did just that. Scouring the internet and YouTube with information and success stories on how they cured their illness. It didn't matter the ailment; whether it was cancer, asthma, acne, psoriasis, etc. However, my laser focus was eczema! Enough was enough for me! So be enlightened, entertained, and hopefully inspired on my day by day quest to heal myself once and for all and finally be free of this confident stealing ailment!


Day 13: Let the healing crisis commence

Waking up with a smile on my face, despite being in disbelief I’m up this early- 5:30a to be exact. I really believe just the short amount of time of juicing and eating a plant based diet is working wonders on my body. I stayed up until around 3a cupcaking with my love. Oh, yes- we’re back together. Relationships has their ups and downs but when you really love someone you try and make it work under the circumstances. Still on cloud 9 from our conversation, I begin going into my energy storages to use for the day. Knowing I’m going to need it doing the work I do.

Sipping my scorching hot tea while heading to work in the pounding rain further woke me up. Upon my arrival at work, I get started,walking down the halls of the skilled nursing facility as Gigi shadows me in my pocket. I socialized with my patients as I met their needs and I had an excellent lunch today consisting of my salad, lentils, quinoa, & broccoli. However towards the end of my shift I developed a massive headache! Then on top of that, my hands began to itch like crazy! I couldn’t stop scratching. When I got home, it only got worse. Adding to my headache plus the unbearable itch of my hands, dealing with my attention seeking little one didn’t make things any easier.

My dad offered me Tylenol “Extra strength” supposedly. Reluctantly taking two pills to relieve the symptoms, I laid down for about an hour, but with hardly any luck. I should’ve known that wasn’t going to help because I needed to get to the root cause of the problem. I knew I was backed up and I’ve been contemplating doing my enema, however my disagreeing body wanted nothing more to do than just rest. I forced myself out of this stupor and performed my enema, getting all of those harmful toxins out of my colon. Come to my surprise, it worked wonders!! Almost instantly after my enema, the eye seeping migraine was gone and the itch seemed to dissipate! I was so relieved. A smile returned back to my face and the energy that was left behind in the pounding rain made its way back home.

Not too long after, I ate dinner. Dinner consisted of a banana, dates, apples, spinach, cabbage, rice & beans. After dinner, the itch came back with a vengeance plus my face began to break out around my chin and part of my cheek area. What was going on??? I was eating so healthy. Was this the healing crisis all those health coaches warned me about that I so arrogantly dismissed? For the remainder of the night, I alternated between itching my hands and running to the bathroom to run scorching hot water over them, completely ignoring the rule of “NO HOT WATER.” Even though I know hot water is a no, no, I couldn’t help but run my hands over it. Starting off with medium heat, I gradually increase the temperature until I feel my nerve cells send the signal of pain to my brain instead of itching. I just want it to be over. Just want this skin disease to go away for good. I go to sleep slightly relieved from the scorching hot water, hoping that my skin will have better luck tomorrow.

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