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Well hello! Have you been looking for a number of informative and ,of course, entertaining personal vegan/juicing journeys others have embarked on...just like the one your thinking about undertaking? Your web's history is filled with every question, research, testomionals, recipes all in regards to juicing and/or veganism right? Yea, I did just that. Scouring the internet and YouTube with information and success stories on how they cured their illness. It didn't matter the ailment; whether it was cancer, asthma, acne, psoriasis, etc. However, my laser focus was eczema! Enough was enough for me! So be enlightened, entertained, and hopefully inspired on my day by day quest to heal myself once and for all and finally be free of this confident stealing ailment!


Day 11: Thank you Mother Nature

At last, an off day! I lay in bed thinking about all the things I can catch up on and do today. Things such as washing my hair, juicing, doing an enema, prepping my lunch, playing with my baby, and maybe even watch a movie. Today was my day to splurge in relaxation.

I started off with my milk thistle tea. Since waking up early was an option that my drowsy body took away from me, I got up around the same time my little one did...mommy duties begin. Juicing was a priority that was put on the back burner after a while of my baby’s whimpers for constant attention. Luckily I still had 32 ounces of juice from the night before. Once I was able to get a quick break with the assistance of my mom, I chose to do my enema. Each and every time I do one, I feel better and lighter. I contemplate what the number on the scale would reflect, however I don’t want one peek to ultimately turn into an obsessive nuisance. This is why I just like to judge on how my clothing fits as time goes on.

Lunch quickly approached. I prepped salad, quinoa, lentils, & brussel sprouts. Leaving me completely satisfied, I continue with my day, wash my hair, play with baby, etc.

As dinner made it way to evening, I steamed some broccoli, corn, & sweet potatoes. Having my taste buds reset, I can prominently taste the sweetness from the sweet potatoes as well as in the corn and the lemon flavor from the broccoli. I’m so appreciative to Mother Nature for not turning its back on me. For giving me another chance at health and welcoming me in with its open arms. For that, I am grateful.

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