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Well hello! Have you been looking for a number of informative and ,of course, entertaining personal vegan/juicing journeys others have embarked on...just like the one your thinking about undertaking? Your web's history is filled with every question, research, testomionals, recipes all in regards to juicing and/or veganism right? Yea, I did just that. Scouring the internet and YouTube with information and success stories on how they cured their illness. It didn't matter the ailment; whether it was cancer, asthma, acne, psoriasis, etc. However, my laser focus was eczema! Enough was enough for me! So be enlightened, entertained, and hopefully inspired on my day by day quest to heal myself once and for all and finally be free of this confident stealing ailment!


Day 10: Think your way to health

*beep, beep, beep*.....*beep, beep, beep*...

“What the hell is that noise???” I silently thought as I woke up in confusion, hopping out of bed to detect the source as to not wake my little one. I scan the room.....nothing. Finally, the noise cease. *beep beep* I look out the window, seeing a middle aged woman with a scarf, robe, and excessively used house slippers walking back into her house, car remote in hand.

“Seriously??” I look at the time- 3:52am. “Omg, it’s too freakin early for this.” My body thought otherwise. Not having the desire to go back to sleep, I stay up to begin my morning routine. Tea and.....yep, you guessed it, juicing!! A feeling of excitement and energy automatically overcame me. The way that I felt, I couldn’t believe I neglected Mother Nature for so long. There was this vibrancy and spark that voided the dullness I felt for such a long time. It’s only been a little over a week and I already felt a sense of mental clarity. I could only imagine when I hit the 30 day mark!

Even though I had enough to make Gigi, I was running low on some produce that I needed. I hopped in the car, reved up the engine, and made my way to paradise- well, FoodMaxx to be exact. 😭😂 I stocked up on more cucumbers, kale, collard greens, cabbage, broccoli, lentils, water, almost every vegetable you can think of. I head back, set my items on the counter and look in awe of all this delicious healing goodness. All this before 8am!

Feeling a sense of accomplishment for the majority of the day, I make my lunch. Broccoli, quinoa, lentils, and sweet potatoes. Not only am I eating for nourishment, I’m also thinking my way to health. I continually envision healing when I consume these foods. I envision the protein from the lentils, aiding in the building blocks of my cells. I envision the chlorophyll from the broccoli lending itself in the production of oxygen in my blood, hence helping rebuild the cells of my skin. It’s not only enough to eat your way to health, but it’s important to BELIEVE that you will be healed.

Topping off my day, I seclude myself in my room to give myself an enema. Yaasss! I know some people cringe at the mere thought of a foreign object going up the butt, but as for me, it’s if for health, sign me up!! I lay down and relax my muscles as the warm water makes it’s way up my colon, cleaning out all the built up gunk from previous meals. Can’t hold it no longer, I rush to the bathroom in a hast and release. I must admit, this right here was the most enjoyable part of my day. Letting out all that new and old garbage out of my body was an exhilarating feeling. I felt so good afterwards. All there that was left to do was sleep and dream.

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